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There are certain things in life
that worth questioning. Among this is the success recorded in life over time.
Each and everyone of us, is after one thing or the other in life. In every
profession, business, student, teacher, manager, sales rep, team leader or
personal life. We all aimed at succeeding in something. Accomplishing something
so dear unto us. Breaking through in one aspect or the other in life. However,
moving without check-and-balance, only leads to ending it in dungeon. Life is
in forward and backward direction. When you look forward you know how long you
still need to travel, when you look backward you see how far you have move, you
see errors and fault you make and experience you have gathered. Your past is
your bank of experience. Measuring your success is an integral part of
successful habit in life. When you measure you know what you have done, wrongs
you have committed, lesson you have learned, what you should do, and how you
should do it. It gives you analytical details of how far you have moved, rather
than seeing yourself as a 'doing-nothing-fellow', who is only busy but
lazy. Unfortunately not-measuring makes
someone (to end up) messing-up.
The ability to chose progress or
the other, ability to chose riches or its opposite, choice of choosing fortune
or create fortune in all our effort or just to labor without reward. But for a
tangible progress to be achieved in life, there must be time-to-time questions,
examination and inspections to be made, concerning everything we do (in our
day-to-day) life, to see if we are heading to highest position or not. Self
examination is vital, because its the only key to proper repositioning for
optimum success. Just as brilliant work are done where there is thorough
supervision, so also is examining oneself have allot to do with how swift we
progress in the journey of life. Progressing and measuring the rate of progress
is not a big deal, just as you can easily know the rate at which you are
speeding while running, so also its easy to check your progress in everyday
The followings are the funny ways
to check if you are on your way to prosperous life.
Thought: if you want to know what inside a wallet (owned by someone
else) for instance, whom will you ask? Surely you have to ask the owner of the
wallet. Or let say you want to know if someone's tea contains sugar, its from
the person you will ask not from yourself. This also the trick when you try to
figure out the direction towards which you are journey in life (especially when
you wish to make it funny), what you have to question is what your thought has
been. Is it positive or negative? Is it ‘I can do it or I cannot do it? Is it
of good expectations or wrong anticipation? Driving you to success or failure,
your heart is the most important determinant. If you will succeed, you need to
ask anyone, the only person you should ask is yourself through your
‘thought-of-mind’. Before anything is done, it will at first place originate
from the thought, after this, the whole body follows. That is why, in one of my
publication, I wrote about ‘The Change Ideology’, which means changing your
thinking faculty, in order to survive events and circumstance in life. The
bitter truth is that, the beauty of your life is the beauty of your thought or
frequent affirmation: knowing weather you will be successful will
start from whatever you think and then to whatever you say with your mouth. On you project, do
you say you will succeed or what. On your business, do you confess blessing and
improvement or what. In your personal or family life what has been the
pronouncement of your mouth? One of the readily available weapon with anyone is
'his voice'. Your affirmation is your confirmation. It's your word that will
create your world. Your confession reveal where you are going and what will
eventually happens to you. What you speak out is the whisper of your mind. ‘From
the multitude of the mind the mouth speaketh’ says the Good Book. The first two
weapons that is available for man are ‘his thought’ and ‘his voice’. Secret in
the power of words is that, ‘whatever you think and speak out you have
activated’. Thinking about something is like proposing a bill of constitution,
saying it out as well, is like ‘stamping’ what you have thought.
its a popular saying that, 'show me your friend and i will tell you whom you
are', if you want to go funny about knowing the part on which you are traveling
in life try to sit down and access whom your friends are. Amazingly, after what
we think ourselves, our friends is the next thing that determines what we do in
life, this is reason why friends have such influence in someone’s life. Just as
someone has said, 'when the attitude of a man is unclear to you, reach out to
his friends'. While this is not necessarily needed, (because some do not have
friend(s), but the kind of person, celebrity, uncle, boss you like thinking
about is the friend and person you love to be.
That is why friends are easy to choose but consequences of bad friends
are not easy to bear. For you to access your friends you need to consider if
they are set of friends who;
Motivate you while you are with them, or those
who make you feel hopeless in pursuit of your goal.
Are they the type of friend that possess
outstanding positive character that challenges you whom you can emulate, or
those with 'fragile' character?
Are they type of friends who only complain about
you or someone else, or friends that stand to judge you rather than accepting
whom you are. And many other things like these.
Little mind talks about evens while great mind
talks about ideas, what class of friend are you doing things with, are they the
little mind who watch event or great mind that owns the future with their idea
However, that is one golden
principle about friends which says ‘you cannot rise above the company you
keep’. No matter how talented, gifted, knowledgeable, active and determined you are, the type of the company you keep has
a great deal impact on how your journey will be. I could remember when I am
about to start my writing career, the first thing I did is that I studied all
my friends and identify those who never have interest in my proposed ‘writing
career’ and I find a way to distance them from me, and it really works allot.
What You
Love To Do: it is funny that you
can access yourself on what level are you in life through what you do now and
often, one of the most surprising thing in life is that, how our life is, is as
a result of little, little effort and actions we take each day. Most of the time we belief in ‘one heavy
action’ that will turn things around, but the real fact is that, the little
steps and actions we take (even the smallest thought) is what determine how our life turns out to
be. If you are the type that love to say 'not now' to tangible steps you
suppose to taking 'now', its a sign of failure. If you love to spend 'more'
hour with 'necessarily unnecessary' gadgets, you are heading to zero. This is
because a seconds missed cannot be reversed and a seconds missed is a fraction
of life wasted. That is why if you love to do meaningful things (that
contributes positively to your life), at all time, its a sure indication you
are on your way and closest to your success.
Your Life
Style: most of the things I have noticed in successful people of the
world is that, they always possess ‘the winner lifestyle’ and is peculiar to
all of them (its only take different dimension) they do not struggle to cope
with successful life style. They are set of people who belief in this happens
when I do that (and not that things happens by chance or by magic). One of such
lifestyle that give birth to success is reading rather than been engage with
unnecessary chatter. Exercising moderately and good health habits that energize
both body, spirit and soul. While a spiritual lifestyle can be productive than
standing un-affiliated with any one. While a lifestyle of forgiveness have
great benefit, grudges hold a bad consequences for those who holds them, so
also is love and hatred has opposite effect. While other things holds, a
lifestyle of 'all talk and no action' is antagonist to success, dream,
imagination and (quick) action to achieve them is surest precursor of success.
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